Self Harming


Weekly Thought Offering:
We are only capable of loving others to the degree that we love ourselves.
The way someone else treats you says more about how they feel about themselves than you.
You teach other people how to treat you by how you treat yourself.

Weekly Journal Prompts
Let’s do something different this week. Instead of a traditional journal prompt keep a running diary of inner dialogue. At the end of a few days of tracking write in your journal about any patterns you see. How are you talking to yourself? How are you treating yourself ? Are you listening to You or the ego? etc.

Weekly Mantra:
I love mySelf
I AM kind to mySelf
I AM kind to the world
I do NOT need to be perfect to deserve unconditional love

Hello Sadhakas!


This week ON THE MAT we are in our final week of bow pose and this week we finally tackle the bind. I love working with my students on binds, in all aspects of yoga. When it comes to binds we can see very clearly an inner pattern in outer form. All too often when it comes time to bind, students lose all consciousness of form and space in their bodies. Most people tend to jam and slam whatever necessary to make contact. This can lead to injury or pain and away from strength and progress in the practice, unless we consider that injury too leads to progress (which of course it can). But don’t we want to evolve beyond having to learn from pain? I know I do, and it’s what I want for you too!

So, this week ON THE MAT we move slowly and mindfully into the bind. Identifying where your range of motion currently is and how to get where you want to go.

OFF THE MAT I ask you to look at the ways in which we self-harm with our actions, our inner thoughts, inner dialogue and more. We would often never speak to or treat another human the way we treat ourselves. That is a problem. We teach others how to treat us by the way we treat ourselves and we can only love another to the degree that we love ourselves. So this week watch some of your self-talk and see what you find and take whatever action you can (small or large) and move yourself into love and away from pain and fear.

With Great Respect and Love,




Stress vs. Strength


The Voice of Your Inner Teacher