The Voice of Your Inner Teacher


Weekly Thought Offering:
The voice of your Inner Teacher is the voice of quiet, joy, and peace.
Your Inner Teacher doesn’t speak first, and it doesn’t speak loudest.
Your Inner Teacher is the knowingness you feel in your gut and in your bones.
Your Inner Teacher is the depth of the ocean undisturbed by the choppy waves at the surface.

~Nicole Katz~

Weekly Journal Prompts:
I sense a quiet peace when….
I am torn right now between…
The one that feels like quiet peace is….
The other feels like…
I am afraid to listen to the peaceful choice because….
In writing this I can see that I am making a choice based….

Weekly Mantra:
I AM peace
I choose peace

Hello Sadhakas!
Welcome to week 3 of bow pose! This week ON THE MAT we are looking at the pelvis. What the pelvis wants to do in this shape is get swept off in the drama of the backbend. It wants to go full blown into extension to deepen the lumbar curve and the appearance of the bow shape. It also wants to fight for the bind at whatever cost. The drama ON THE MAT (just like OFF THE MAT) can be very enticing, very exciting, and a great ego tool of distraction that leads us down the path to pain. Instead, this week we explore another option. The option to follow peace. ON THE MAT we will find a neutral pelvis and keep it for as long as possible while we add the other joint actions of knee flexion, hip extension, and eventually whatever bind is available to us right now.

OFF THE MAT I ask you to deep dive into the Self. If you get quiet for a minute, can you feel that space that is ever peaceful, ever quiet, and ever sparked with joy? The ego on the other hand has high highs and low lows. The ego is afraid of lack and just about everything else. The ego tells you there isn’t enough, whatever it may be, money, time, love, and on, and on. The ego yells at you and does whatever it can to distract you from the other choice, the Inner Teacher. The choice that offers you constant and consistent peace, abundance, and joy. So, this week OFF THE MAT we get quiet and we feel the Inner Teacher, the inner quiet, peace, and then we try to keep to that space as we move out in the world and make choices.

One leads to pain, one does not. Which do you choose?

With Great Respect and Love,



Self Harming


Right Relationship