Right Relationship
Weekly Thought Offering:
All of the things that are of this world are here for our joy.
If something is not bringing you joy the relationship is off.
The key is listening to your Inner Teacher who is guiding you toward just the right relationship to all things.
That unique recipe makes up our unique joy code. We will never be able to follow someone else’s recipe for joy and have it work for us.
We must find and follow our own.
~Nicole Katz~
Weekly Journal Prompts:
I can feel that______ is out of right relationship
I can feel myself trying to follow _____’s recipe for joy
When I drop to the place inside where stillness resides, my recipe for right relationship to this person/place/thing feels like____
Weekly Mantra:
My right relationship is right
I deserve the peace that comes with right relationship
I most honor the divine when I am following my own path
Hello Sadhakas!
Years and years ago, when I first started my yoga practice, I thought that the practice involved extremes and I would have to give up much of what I loved and live a life of solitude to follow a spiritual path. A couple of decades later I gratefully realize how wrong I was.
Part of my lineage lies in tantra. As part of this universe that I have come to know, believe in, and deeply love, I know that we are meant to live lives of joy. That is our true nature. The things of this world are not here to trap and tempt us. They are here for us to enjoy! One of my favorite author’s, Julia Cameron, speaks to the abundant nature of the universe by guiding us to notice that there is not one pink flower but hundreds and all with slightly different hues making the options unlimited. In fact, contrary to what most of us believe, all we need do is follow our bliss to find our unique expressions in this life. This is harder said than done and it boils down to “right relationship”. There is a certain amount of all things that bring us peace. Too much, or too little, and we are out of that space. And, to build on that, we all have a different recipe. I cannot look to you (or your Instagram feed) and find out what is going to make me happy. I must forge and follow my own inner gauge. I must be brave enough to listen and to follow, even when it takes me away from the pack.
This week ON THE MAT we are looking at the lumbar spine. In the backbend that is Bow pose, we can often be out of balance with the amount of extension we ask from it. Lacking mobility in the upper spine we ask it to overextend itself. That overextension can upset an already tender area that is compressed from too much flexion is suddenly being asked to do the opposite shape in a really big way. Instead, we are going to find strength and temperance in our low backs. We are going to mindfully add in lumbar extension to an even shape. We are going to explore right relationship of the lumbar spine in our backbends.
OFF THE MAT I would love you to observe the areas of your life that are and are not currently connected to joy. Instead of asking yourself what is wrong, ask yourself the following questions. What does right relationship feel like? Am I in it? Do I have too much of something? Do I have too little? How can I give, how can I listen? How can I share my way back into my divine recipe?
With Great Respect and Love,