The devil (and the joy and the love) is in the details
Weekly Thought Offering:
The devil (and the joy and the love) is in the details
Weekly Journal Prompts:
Where I am focusing on the big instead of the small is….
The small moments/sections of this are…
I can change my relationship to those things today by…
The feeling I get when I think about making those changes are….
Weekly Mantra:
I see the and I value the small miracle in this moment
Hello Sadhakas!
This week we move on to week 2 of baby camel. And just like last week, and this whole month really, we are focusing on the details. So often we get stuck in the BIG. And when things feel very big it’s can be hard to get started. It can seem like a thing is so out of reach we will never get there. We have all heard that mountains are climbed on step at a time. But no really, it’s true! No matter what your ego is trying to tell you. Every step on the path counts. Nothing is ever lost.
We can apply this same logic to our relationships, to our tiny daily rituals and on and on- if we awaken to the small things, if we make them conscious and joyful BIG shifts will start to happen.
I see this all the time too in the realm of wellness. People want to make BIG changes so they, well, make BIG changes. But those changes are often not long lasting because the work of making the small internal shifts needed for those big shifts to stick have not been done. Instead, try starting with very small, very manageable changes. One step at a time you will see true wellness will be naturally arising as one lovely ease-filled choice gives way to another.
This week ON THE MAT that leads us to the ribs. Or really the ribs led me to the deep dive into details. How? because this lovely ribcage of ours is a BIG part of back-bending. A BIG part that can be broken down into 24 small parts (yup thats 12 sets of ribs for those anatomy geeks out there ;)). We might feel like we will just “never” get to do those big backbends, but if we start small and get to know the lovely space between each of our ribs, if we start to awaken them, the BIG will begin to shift. That is where we play this week ON AND OFF THE MAT
With great respect and love,