The ping…


Weekly Thought Offering:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the universe. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”
Marianne Williamson, Return to Love

Weekly Journal Prompts:
The thing that I want the most is…
I may be afraid of that thing because…
I do not need to be afraid because…

Weekly Mantra:
I allow love in I shine love out
I allow light in I allow light out
I am safe when I stand in my own light
I am safe when I stand in my own power
I deserve to shine light
I deserve to feel love


Hello Sadhakas!
It’s week 4 of Camel. And often in the 4th week we drop into the energy of a shape. We look beyond the details of what we are doing with our body and move into focus of what energy we are bringing to the movements and what they are bringing to us.

Baby Camel is such a lovely pose. She counterposes life in a really gentle and loving way. She asks us to open and look up, to be vulnerable and to give our whole heart and to allow that we will be given light in return. She does not do it forcefully or in a flashy way. Just simply and quietly we sit, and we open our hearts, that's all.

This week I ask you to do 2 things in exploration of that energy.
1) I ask you to explore how well you receive love and light. We often say we “want” something but deep down we are afraid of what will happen if we get it. I know the knee jerk response to this is “no way, I don’t do that”. This week I ask you to allow for the radical self-love that lets you beg the question “or do I?” And then as a result allows you to gently begin to shift.
2) I ask you to choose your own flow. Maybe you pick a week from our camel flows and revisit something you really liked, or something you found challenging or simply one that “pings” for you. Or maybe you venture outside of the camel flows to another pose. One that “pings” for you in an area of exploring feeling safer with your own power and with your own light. By doing so you strengthen your own connection to your Inner Teacher. This relationship ultimately being the one that lets us create a safe and secure relationship with our power and to welcome truly our greatest good which leads to the most joy for us and the communities we serve.

Sending you a big hug to get you started!

With great respect and love,



The Junk Drawer


Atha, Yoganusasanam