Yes, Actually You CAN
Weekly Thought Offering:
Forgetting who we really are is the root of all suffering.
The idea that you “can’t” is a lie of the lower mind.
Planted there by the stories we tell ourselves and the stories told to us by people who were wrong.
Remembering that we “can” is all we have to do.
You already are, so go out and be.
Change your perspective and you change your perception.
Change your perception and you change your life.
Weekly Journal Prompts:
I think I can’t…
I think that because….
If I really look closely, I think that because…
The person that gave me that thought was…
The truth I claim as my own is…
Weekly Mantra:
I AM that
Hello Sadhakas!
Happiest of Sundays to you! I hope you are finding a moment of calm and of reset. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the week that was, or the one to come, I hope you sit with me for a moment. I hope you read these words and are able to shift, if even a little, out of that overwhelmed space and into one that allows you to see a different angle to whatever is troubling you.
Life is a bit like a diamond. Sure, it’s pretty enough but shine a light on it, or find a new angle to view it, and suddenly it sparkles and becomes a thing of wonder. It is not your life that is troubling you my love, it is the view. For whatever reason, and life gives us many, we can feel like things just keep happening to us and that we have no control over the “bad” things. But here is the magic- a joyful life is not one where bad things don’t happen to us. A joyful life is one where we have the resilience to not allow our lower selves to see those things as the truth of who we are. They are thoughts, feelings, and situations that are occurring. They do not change the fundamental truth that you are a being of light, fully whole, and full of love. They are the seen you are The Seer.
This week ON AND OFF THE MAT we play with the idea that the same thing viewed from different angles can be either extremely hard or supported and simple. ON THE MAT we will be playing with L-shape. L-shape is a fantastic prep for handstand for many reasons, but it is also a shape we see over and over again in the yoga-asanas. The fact that we see this shape so much gives hint to its importance. This week we deep dive into all of them. I hope instilling in you the realization that it is not the thing, but the angle from which we view it that determines our experience of our lives. Once we shift into that space we can shift into a place of power. No longer victims, we can play the game with the power of perspective and have some fun again for goodness sake. Why else would we be here?!
With great respect and love,