To Get, You Must First Let Go.


Weekly Thought Offering:

The secret to getting what you want starts by actively letting go of what you don’t.
If it isn’t fun, don’t do it.
If you have to do it, find a way to make it fun, or don’t do it.

Weekly Journal Prompts:
I want to cultivate…
To create that I must let go of…
It has served me in the past by…
It no longer serves me now because…

Weekly Mantra:
I AM willing to heal
I AM willing to change
I fly with ease

Hello Sadhakas!

As I sit down to write this, I feel a need to be honest about where I am at. Like you, I am just a yogi on the path. Some days are easy, and some days are hard. Today feels hard. Today started last night, when my younger daughter for the 100th time in the last two weeks refused to stay in her bed. It took an hour and every ounce of my being to finally get her to stay in bed and to let my older daughter finally go to sleep. When it was over, I felt like anything but my best self. Today restarted this morning at 5:44am when I woke early to have my morning meditation and movement practice only to then discover that my older daughter for the 100th time in the last two weeks, woke up younger daughter (who was still sounds asleep). And thus, began a day of not enough sleep for anyone and so I played goalie for the next two hours. Covering myself in mommy armor, I managed tantrums and attempting to get cranky little people fed, dressed, and ready for school. I so desperately needed them to go to school today. By the time I neared drop off number two I just couldn’t do it anymore, I needed back up. I asked my husband to do second drop off. I had to call a flag on the play and tap myself out. So, at 9am I am here in an empty house on the verge of a very full workday feeling all the feels of a very empty tank.

I arrive here on my mat and I ask for the grace to find a better self-amongst the ruin of a toddler day already gone very, very, wrong at 9am. But this is why the practice is my life’s blood. I crawl here battered and bruised. I search for the meaning and the answers always come. It is with those insights I can pick myself back up and get back in the ring. What follows is me doing this for myself today in hopes that it might do you some good in your week as well.

It’s funny, as we arrive in week 3 of handstand month, we arrive in one of my favorite weeks- getting up! This week we take our first big leap and attempt to find the lightness out of the heavy and the joy out of the dark. How funny is that! My morning felt very heavy and not the least bit fun - so I say a BIG “YES PLEASE” to cultivating that energy - not only for myself but for my girls, for our family and the energy of all those we touch.

Ok so how do we do that ON THE MAT? Well, my friends we are going to be looking at what I have come to call the “WHEEEEEEEEE” factor. The “WHEEEEEEE” factor is the amount of “WHEEEEEE” that your movement practice has. It’s a necessary energy for turning oneself upside down. Have you watched a little person do a handstand recently? If not, grab the closest little person near you and watch in amazement as a few things happen:
1) They throw themselves upside down with little to no care at all for the consequences.
2) They smile so big you can feel it.
3) They let go of the ground with total ease.
Oh, and they just may say something akin to “WHEEEEEEE”
So, in our flow expect some moments that may make you grip and cringe on day one and by day three will have you glowing with pride!!

Ok, now how in the heck do I cultivate this energy OFF THE MAT? Here is my advice to myself that I share with you as well.
1) Actively let go of what you don’t want.
For me, today, today this means actively letting go of how upset I feel at myself for getting upset. How am I going to do that? I asked for help from hubby with our girls, I put an APB out to my friends for a (covid safe) meet up tonight and I am forgiving myself for a day gone wrong. Yes, my girls need all the love in the world but they also need the skills to deal with life when it’s not perfectly manicured and a world where the choices they make have repercussions. Not sleeping has repercussions felt far and wide, LOL. 2) Find the WHEEEEEEEEE. Life is thick, and heavy, and sticky. Finding the light and the fun is mandatory. I would go even further than “find” and say cultivate the fun! I need a little wheeee for me and a little WHEEEEEEEEE for the girlies and me. Let the planning begin!!!!!

Love and light to you on your path. I look forward to seeing you ON THE MAT to explore all of this more this week.

With great respect and love,



It’s Time to Reset Your Joy Thermostat


Yes, Actually You CAN