Leaning on the Unknown

Thought Offering
If you ever find yourself driving down that motorway of life looking for an exit that says EASY STREET, may I remind you that that's where you got on, following a sign that said PARADISE, THIS WAY. ROAD UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WATCH OUT FOR "LIGHT WORKERS," FALLING DEBRIS, POTHOLES, AND SLIPPERY PATCHES. NO TURNING BACK.
And you said, "Cool."

Mike Dooley

Weekly Journal Prompts
The unknown that is scaring me right now is…
If I play that fear to the end what happens is…
If that happens I would still be ok because….
If instead of something bad the most amazing, best possible thing happened it would be…

Weekly Mantras
I allow for the magic of the plan to be greater than my limited scope in this moment
This too is for my greater good
I trust

Hello Sadhakas*!

Happy Sunday. We arrive here at the birth of yet another week. Another chance to choose love over hate and hope over fear. If last week, yesterday, or the last 5 minutes were a total disaster in that department- take comfort in knowing that tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it (as Anne of Green Gables was known to say- special shout out to my big sis on that reference ;)).

In any case, as we venture into this week both ON and OFF THE MAT, my wish for you is this, that you look to the future with excitement and not dread. That you allow for the fact that even the things we didn’t want to happen have happened to show us a way to make better choices so that we can experience more love and joy in our lives. Our job is to decode the events in our life and see them for what they are and use them as guideposts on where to go next. We can’t control the fact that seemingly “bad” things are going to happen. We can control our response to them and therefore our experience of them.

OFF THE MAT this week I want us to set aside that bad things happen. I need us to realize that good things happen too, all the time and every day!!!!! Our primal brains were programed to focus on bad things. They did that to keep us alive, but we are no longer our primal selves. We are in a state of evolution from our primal selves to a better society. One built on raising each other up, supporting each other, and welcoming all, but that doesn’t happen overnight. We have to actively tell our brains not to focus on the bad but to see the good. Thoughts become things and if all your thoughts are full of worry and dread, that is the order you are placing to the universe and that is what you are going to get.

This week I want you to lean into the future. Imagine things going better than you expect them to. Actively see those outcomes in your mind. Feel them, hear them, experience them. Call goodness into being! Think I’m crazy or that that’s a silly idea? Well, my response to you is; when was the last time you let a negative thought take you down completely into a total fear spiral about the future? Hmmmmm, yesterday maybe? ;)

Why not have fun instead of pain? And hey, if I end up being right and you are manifesting something great for yourself. Would that be the worst thing?!

This week as ON THE MAT we venture into a new pose. OMG it’s HANDSTAND month!!! As we are known to do, we are looking at the exact same thing ON THE MAT as we are OFF, leaning on the unknown.
Our first week in the pose we turn our bodies upside down and look at what it means to stand on our shoulder girdle instead of our pelvic girdle. We will look at taking weight into the hands without clogging the neck and how to set you up for what’s to come in the best possible way.

Let’s dream together this week and then watch those dreams come true!!

With Great Respect and Love,


*For those of you who are new to the practice with me “Sadhaka” is a beautiful Sanskrit word to reference a person who is on a prescribed path towards a higher goal- and that my friend is now you! Welcome to a conscious way of moving through your life that will give you tools to change patterns that are no longer serving you and that are keeping you from feeling joy.


Yes, Actually You CAN


Fuel for the Journey of the Open Heart