Choosing discomfort
Every time you make the choice to put on a mask you are choosing discomfort for the higher good. Every time you choose not to put on a mask then the opposite is true you are choosing comfort over the wellbeing of your-Self and others. This week on the mat we deep dive into discomfort.
This week on the mat we are looking at arm variations in warrior 3 and how to choose which is best. Historically in the 216 world I would have been very clear to encourage almost everyone to keep your arms by your sides as this option provides most people with a really great space to safely strengthen their backs and open the fronts of the shoulders, against gravity, which is a great place to reenforce strength on a long muscle length (and I still love this option for all those reasons). But this is not the old 216 world, it's not the old world at all- we are living in different times now that are providing us with a need for new skills. Luckily for all of us with a yoga practice- yoga has the ability to evolve to meet the needs of yogis in the moment- and so- here we are! Today and this week, as we explore which arm variation to choose in warrior 3 we will focus not on the comfortable, ease inducing, arms by-the-side variation but the arms forward, hard as heck, variation. Why? Because we are in a hard as heck moment in time and we need all the practice and insight we can get into how to do this well! When I say "well" I mean with love, presence of mind, fortitude and yes- even JOY!
To do this we must train ourselves to stay present in discomfort. We must not check out, numb out, rage out or change the story. A way we can do that is by creating a space to safely explore discomfort on our own terms- like say on the mat this week with us! Other ways include changing up part of your routine that you feel might be out of right relationship (aka you enjoy them but now that enjoyment is making you feel bad in some way, on some level)- perhaps say goodbye to wine for a week or coffee or sugar or social media. Watch as your lower self gets angry or sad and try to dive into the feelings and why they are happening and investigate how to free them rather than giving into them. The more we can see discomfort as a reaction of the lower self to change the more we are able to move past that childlike tantrum and get on with the business of evolving into our highest Selves!
Join us on the mat or feel free to respond to me personally right here at this address.
With Great Respect and Love,