Tired of living in Vice-land?
Anyone else tired of living in Viceland? We've been here for a while now and it's not as much fun anymore.
Not sure where Viceland is? Well it's that place you go every so often- likely daily since the world as we knew it stopped. That place that promises to make you feel better. Maybe at one time it did but now you just need it as part of your day to "calm down" to sleep to find enough peace to do it all again tomorrow. Maybe it's a thing, a place, a thought or action. But it's a person place or thing you engage in that makes you feel a little better but then a little bit worse every time. It makes you feel worse because deep down you know it's no longer in right relationship, no longer a treat it's become a poor substitute for the real work of figuring out why this is happening for you and what to do about it. It's numbing you out rather than checking you in.
What else is there? How else do we survive all of this unknown and the seemingly insurmountable loss behind us and work left to do in front of us? How do we train ourselves to be reslient to difficulty and able to move forward in a positive, helpful, and yes JOYful way?
We start with kindness and radical self love. Radical self knowledge will follow. Start not by stripping yourself of something bringing you comfort, if you are not yet ready. Perhaps start by adding something in- a flow with me every day, a 2min ice cold shower, a 1min plank. It doesn't matter how small it is- start with one step into the pool of conscious discomfort.
Observe yourself as you react to the discomfort.
Don't do anything but observe. Don't tell yourself you are wrong or right for how you react- just lovingly hold space for whatever happens. If you continue, in the days that follow, upon reflection you will realize there are different ways to respond and you will grow strong enough to choose them. You are stronger than you know. Your spirit chose this lifetime knowing it would have this moment to help and to heal and to evolve closer to it's true nature of pure bless. No divine plan would have included splitting itself into billions of pieces so that it could feel billions of times over the feeling of "fine" or of barely surviving. You came here to kick ass and clean this place up. Let's do it! This week on and off the mat I am asking you, again, to choose discomfort as a means to build the confidence and self love and pride to work your way back out into the light.
Join us on the mat or feel free to respond to me personally right here at this address.
With Great Respect and Love,