Not the What but the HOW
Pose: December Flow 2023
Week: 3
Physical Focus: How you are moving
Mental Focus: Seeing the how not the what
FLOW: Watch it all or skip ahead to The Flow
Chapter 1- Yogi Chat
Chapter 2- The Flow
Chapter 3- The Recap
Weekly Thought Offering:
It’s never the what is happening and always the how we are responding to it that determines our experience of a thing.
Weekly Journal Prompts:
A thing I am resisting/pushing away/complaining about right now is…
I am doing that because…
An opposite experience of this area would look like….
I would benefit greatly from this change in perspective because….
Weekly Mantra:
All that is happening is happening for me.
This is hard, but I can do hard things.
Hello Sadhakas!
And hello week 3 with the December Flow! By this week, when you show up ON THE MAT you will have a pretty good idea what’s coming and that’s going to start to feel really good. So good in fact, it’s time to kick it up a notch. This week both ON and OFF THE MAT let’s look at not only what we are doing but how we are doing it. Let’s look for things like quality of the action. How are we showing up for the hard things? With heaviness or with lightness? With high vibration or with low vibration? The assumption and often the knee jerk reaction is to bring heavy, hard and low vibration to things that are hard. Which in turn actually makes them harder. But guess what? You don’t have to respond that way. You can remember that you are a spark of the divine capable of magic and miracles and instead bring lightness, ease and high vibration to your movements ON and OFF THE MAT. And this isn’t only true of the hard things, it can be true of the easy and the mundane things too. What if to them we bring magic and light and high vibration too? Doesn’t that sound like a world you’d want to live in? Me too.
Shall we try this together?
With great respect and love,