Do You Believe in Magic?
Weekly Thought Offering:
Now I will turn miracle into routine.
The amazing will be seen every day.
I will put in all the hard work necessary.
To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.
“So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer?” “Yes. The story with animals is the better story.”
-Yann Martel, The Life of Pi
Weekly Journal Prompts:
The last time I felt magic in my life was….
What allowed me to believe in magic was….
I do/do not believe in magic now….
That makes me feel….
I do/do not want to change that…..
Weekly Mantra:
I allow for magic in my life
I welcome that which is greater than me to surprise me
I can’t wait to see what comes next
I am not afraid
Hello Sadhakas!
Do you believe in magic? Do you believe Santa is coming this week? Do you believe elves are watching everything you do? Do you believe one nights worth of candles can stay lit for 8 nights?
If you answered a resounding "No"- this week I ask you to consider what your life was like in a time when you would have said "YES!" Can you remember joy and hope and a feeling that you were taken care of by something bigger than you (even if that was just your parents)?
Can you remember a time when you had dreams of being an astronaut traveling to distant planets (insert your childhood dream), and thought with all of your being that it were true?
Can you remember a time when the anticipation of what was inside of a prettily wrapped box was enough to make you jump out of your skip with excitement?
Can you remember how good a special holiday cookie tasted or how amazing it was to try to hear the reindeer landing on your roof (insert your holiday magic moments)?
Can you also remember the feelings that came along with believing that way?
There was security and joy and light and love. Wouldn't we all like to feel that way again?
If for any reason your childhood wasn't that way- my question remains- Wouldn't we all like to feel more safety and joy and hope and light and love?
If you didn't get that as a child all the more reason to gift it to yourself.
I'm not asking you to believe in Santa, but this week but I am asking you to believe in magic. Believing in magic is to say we believe things can happen without us needing to know the exact how and why but believing all the same.
ON and OFF THE MAT as we play with week four of our December Flow and celebrate (to the best of our ability) the holidays this year I am asking you to imagine the possibility that dreams can come true. That you don't have all the answers and that a higher consciousness might have more power than you to bend the will of the universe. Just because you don't believe something can happen does not mean it can't, it just means your lower mind can't see big enough to find the pathway. Luckily the universe and your Inner Teacher are working with a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH bigger scope!
We are closing a every dark year to be sure but it's more important than ever that we understand this simple spiritual truth; the "bad" things are not happening to hurt you, they are happening to awaken you to your highest Self. To prove to you that magic, that which cannot be explained with lower understanding, exists!
Out of the darkness of this year we can birth our dreams for a better world for ourselves and each other. To do that, you need to believe in that which you cannot yet see. This week we think really big thoughts and feel really big loving feelings.
I wish you magic- today and every day.
With great respect and love,