Living with Great Purpose
Weekly Thought Offering:
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.
Weekly Journal Prompts:
What I know for sure having survived the last year is…
A life lived with great purpose to me means…
My great purpose is…
Weekly Mantra:
I remember, I learn, I live with great purpose for a great purpose
From this pain I welcome the rebirth of my higher self
From this pain, I find peace
Hello Sadhakas!
It’s week 2 of Prasarita Padottanasna, and I am SOOOO excited about what we get to explore this week. ON THE MAT we are looking at a finding a neutral spine and then keeping it as we find the preparatory half lift. And yes, if you know me at all as a teacher by now, you know how important I find spine health to be, which is why I focus on it sooooooo much. Well, really the practice does that. So many of the ancient poses emphasize a strong, mobile spine and for such good reason. As we age and may live more sedentary habit filled lives, the spine can become compressed, which can lead to a whole host of pain and problems. This week we help combat that!
OFF THE MAT we look at holding onto all that we have learned in this huge year of collective trauma. How do we hold onto what we promised ourselves we would never forget, even as we move back out into the world? This is SUCH an important part of the process. If we go through hell but learn nothing from it, what purpose does it serve? How does it honor all those we have lost? It doesn’t. If, however we survive trauma, we can learn from it and allow ourselves to be cracked open by it. Well then, my friends, it is gateway to a life lived with great purpose. A life lived with great purpose! Doesn’t it give you goosebumps just to say it?! That is my wish for each and every one of you.
With Great Respect and Love,