Inside Out
Weekly Thought Offering:
Projection makes perception.
We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside,
making it the truth as we see it.
-A Course in Miracles
Weekly Journal Prompts:
An area in my outer world that is working right now is….
The belief I hold about that area is….
An area in my outer world that is a challenge right now is…
The true belief I hold about that area is…
I got that belief when…
I no longer need that belief because….
What I claim as my new truth is….
Weekly Mantra:
I release old beliefs that no longer serve me
I welcome my highest good
I welcome my highest joy
May I be of service to love
Hello Sadhakas!
This week we start our final week with crow pose. This week we look at how exactly we stay up in the balance. ON THE MAT it requires that we confront if we actually think we can stay up. Observe yourself, talk about this pose, and notice if that reflects where you currently are in the pose. What we say matters. What we believe, it turns out, can matter even more.
Energetically this pose is an inward shape. The body is quietly flexed and short of gazing at our navel we are in a little ball Contrast this to warrior two, or half-moon, where we are moving outward in all directions from a center point, and you can feel it for yourself. This active internal physical shape resonated for me as I begin my journey reading A Course in Miracles. I barely got past the preface when the above sentence struck me. If the outer world is a made up of what we believe to be true, what then? If we deep dive into that for a moment and look at all of the things that are going “well” for us in the outer world and ask ourselves, do I deserve that? How do I talk to myself and others about it? Did I see it to be true growing up? We will probably get a positive response back. If we do the same with the areas of the outer world that are “not” going well for us we will likely get the opposite response from self. Maybe I don’t think I deserve that person/place/thing or didn’t see it as possible growing up and/or I might talk very negatively to myself about it.
Once we see these things, it is on us to reframe, to re-pattern, to forgive, to love. It is on us to do the hard work inside so that we can change the world outside. For ourselves and our communities.
It’s big stuff!!!! But hey, you can do hard things!!!
With Great Respect and Love,