Re-union within a Union
Weekly Thought Offering:
Re-union doesn't come from the rejection of "the other".
Re-union comes from the welcoming in and loving of that which is different.
That which may seem different is not different than you, it is merely a piece of yourself that you haven't met yet, or are too scared to face.
Weekly Journal Prompts:
Right now the person/place/thing that feels...
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Weekly Mantra:
I am not...
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Hello Sadhakas!
As I sit here to write this it is Thursday night. I have the news muted in the background awaiting any news of our next president and the weight of that lingers in the air like a ton of bricks. Needless to say there is tension in my heart.
I am doing my best to keep it at bay but it is there.
It is my most sincere hope that by the time you read this we have some clarity, a clarity the majority of us can at last find some peace in like a sunrise after a dark night.
This week ON THE MAT we are in week two of our shoulder stand month. This week we continue to awaken our awareness of and our ability to extend the thoracic spine. This comes in the form of awakening mobility in the ribcage. This allows us to extend the spine as a base for our healing shoulder stand inversion practice this month with an open hearted base so strong you can stand on it.
OFF THE MAT we do the same. We ask ourSelves how exactly we soften the locked pieces of our heart. We explore how we soften when we want to harden and how we empathize when we want to reject. All with the goal of creating an open hearted base so strong it can hold us all up.
This exploration comes at a time when we need it so badly. Our TV screens are flooded with images of separateness. That separateness brings experiences of pain, fear and loss. That separateness is a fallacy of the media and of the ego. It is in the coming together that we find peace. The peace comes from deep within. A place in each of us that knows the truth. The truth that we are all of the same collective consciousness and from the same source of love.
The act of opening back up to that space of love will require us all to re-unite. This week we explore that and it is my supreme hope we may find some peace as a result.
With great respect and love,
P.S. This week was extremely stressful on your nervous system please make sure you are giving yourself extra permission to rest and treat yourself with softness too!