It comes in waves
It comes in waves. Most of the time I'm ok. I'm more than ok- I am joyful.
But sometimes I'm not.
Right now I'm not.
Right now I am in the wave. She has just crashed over me and is having her way with me. She's tossing me about and I am trying to feel which way is up and which is down. I have been in this place before and I know that fighting it will only make it harder to decipher my direction and so I relax and wait. Conserving my breath. Knowing that this wave will pass and I will find my footing once again and stand. But right now I am in it. I am in it and it is uncomfortable and I want it to be over- that's the fighting- I remind myself to accept that in this moment I am uncomfortable. I don't need to race to escape it. I need to let the wave do her job of shaking things up that I might see something I haven't been able to see until now.
I can't see that yet.
And so I wait and I do my best to comfort myself and hold my own hand with love as I watch myself in the process of birthing my better Self. One day I will hold her- today we do the work of being in the discomfort of birthing.
I hope you join me as I jump on the mat with you this week in honor of my deep dive.
With Great Respect and Love,