NEW weekly flow is here!

This week on the mat we are in week 5 of forearm stand.

5 weeks with the same pose- a very hard pose at that! And it was supposed to be


How does that make you feel? It brings up a lot of feelings to practice turning our world upside-down, especially when our world is turned upside-down. But this week we really get to the good stuff. The practicing of sticking to it! We always hit a moment of wanting to give up along the hero's journey. Every great movie has a moment where the lead wants to give up her quest. The thing that makes the journey great is not that it's easy but that the heroine keeps getting up and eventually learns all that she needs to learn to complete the task. We are in the same space together on our mats this week and in our world. May we keep remembering our goal and keep getting up and rest in the knowing-ness that we will attain our dharma in the end!

Join us on the mat, over on social to share or feel free to respond to me personally right here at this address.

With Great Respect and Love,



Finding your (new) way


Weekly flow is HERE