When You Point a finger…


Weekly Thought Offering:
When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot.
When you realize that everything springs only from yourself,
you will learn both peace and joy.
– Dalai Lama

Weekly Journal Prompts
Something I feel is not my fault is…
If I view the situation radically with love I see my contribution is…
If I learn to respond differently I would be more at peace because…
I would have more joy because…

Weekly Mantras
I am source, I create change
I am source, I manifest love
I welcome the guidance to see my role in this
I welcome the grace to open my eyes

Hello Sadhakas!

This week ON THE MAT we say hello to a new pose!

Hello Ustrasana!! Hello Camel Pose!!

It's is almost February and for as long as I can remember in February, I pick a pose focused around ❤️ opening. It's love month people- what can I say- I'm a sucker for a good theme ;)! Especially one that stands to benefits us all SOOOOOOOOO much!

And so, we spend the month talking about love. All her forms and all her angles. And we begin our journey in a very important though rather uncomfortable spot.

How are we bringing it?

ON THE MAT: Physically - we begin with the shoulders. We look to open them. And let me tell you- after all of this zoom-ing at our make-shift desks and on top of all the stress- that's gonna be a task people! Also, we look to awaken to the

big role in opening our heart (aka extending the spine).

OFF THE MAT: Emotionally and Spiritually - We look to all those spaces where love seems to be missing. Rather than point fingers, we ask ourselves, what responsibility we can take for that? That cliche about pointing one finger and three are pointing back at you, comes to my mind as the perfect inspiration for this week. Physically it's true- one is pointing out and three point back at you. Emotionally and spiritually when you point a finger we are often directing our energy out at the faults of others. Most times completely missing the role we play in whatever the situation is.

Outside of the major downside of keeping ourselves unconscious, not seeing our role in situations that call for love, also steals from us our ability to effect change (aka remove pain; ours and others).

So, this week we change that!

I told you- she's a doozey!

But luckily most of us don't have anything else to do-errggghhhhh. :P:::::

See you ON and OFF THE MAT!

With great respect and love,



Ground Hog Day Every ^&*! Day


Connecting to Greatness