An Involution Resolution


Weekly Thought Offering:
Yoga is the process by which we realize that we do not need to "resolve" to become anything better or different than we already are.

Yoga is re-awakening to the fact that we are inherently perfect.

We need not evolve to become anything other than we already are.

Instead we involute, we shed all that is in the way of our Light.

And then we are free.

Weekly Journal Prompts:
What will you leave behind in 2021?
What will you take with you into 2022?
What new thing will you bring into creation in this new year ahead?

Weekly Mantra:
I AM that

Hello Sadhakas!

Welcome to the space between things. This is that quiet week when one thing ends before the next begins. We can want to rush through it, I urge you not to. Hold space in the quiet and listen. A lot is happening. A new covid wave is upon us, a new year is dawning, and we get to choose how we feel about it and how we deal with it. What do we still have left to learn? How are we still being called to be of service?
As you think of New Year’s resolutions though I very much urge you not to think of having to become anything else other than you already are. All of those inner “desires” stem from a feeling that there is something more you are trying to get to, to access. Those things are already there. Our job is to fine tune a life that puts us in more and more contact with our true nature.

Do not resolve to be any other than you already are. Vow to be more and more of it!

This week yet again I ask you to choose the flow from the library that speaks to you. Have you noticed there is now a very clearly labeled physical focus and also a mental focus?

New content is coming at ya mid January!
For now, together we sit.

With great respect and love,



Strong and Relaxed


Do You Believe in Magic?