

Weekly Thought Offering:

Relationships are assignments. They are part of a vast plan for our enlightenment, the Divine’s blueprint by which each individual soul is led to greater awareness and expanded love. Relationships are the Divine’s laboratories in which she brings together people who have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth.

-Marianne Williamson

Journal Prompt:

What relationship in my life is the most challenging/ do I like the least/ makes me the most upset? What would it require of me to show up with love in that relationship instead of fear/ hate/ anger? How would it help me to experience more joy if I were able to do that?


This is an assignment from the universe- I am learning to access greater and greater parts of mySelf.

Hello Sadhakas!

Happy Sunday and welcome to another Sadhaka Sunday email. As a reminder for those of you who are new to THE MAT with Nicole Katz, a Sadhaka is a person with a plan on a path towards a spiritual goal. And if you are here reading this, then you my friend, are a Sadhaka!

This week ON THE MAT we are looking at the legs in eagle pose. Similarly to the arms, we think there is only one really challenging option but really there are many. Knowing what these options are and mindfully applying them to your body, on your mat, on any given day (and allowing that variation to change as often as needed) can really unlock the power of connection to the pose and its benefits.

(Watch the flow of the week and I'll break it all down for you!)

So the question we are really attempting to answer this week- ON and OFF THE MAT is...How well are we coming together? With Self, with our intimate partners, with our families and with our communities. I don't know about you but I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see that we are not doing it so well these days as a Nation. We are being torn apart by a focus on our differences, our fears and the need to win and be right. How is that working for us? Not well. So, so, so, many good people feel scared and angry and alone and stuck- so what's next?

We can stay as we are or we can get to the business of coming together in a much better way. What would that look like? It starts by assuming the innocence of those across from us, in our lives and in our communities. Which is not to say, allow for hate and anger and danger. It is to say that there is a space for us to think more about what causes a person to do bad things or to make choices that seems so far off from the choices we would have them make. Having done that....really truly done that (done that so that our hearts soften and our perception changes) we are able to come to the table from a space of empathy rather than the brick wall of anger, hate and repulsion. That openness, that empathy, that love, has the actual power to change. Anything that is not based on love keeps us all stuck.

And so again the Universe is not here to punish us with challenging relationships but to call us to awaken to our true ability to love and to feel peace and joy. The world we live in and all of the relationships in our world are chances for us to grow!

Today's lesson- coming together!

With great respect and love,



Do you even know?


Are You Stressed or Strong?