Let's make lemonade people!

Weekly Thought Offering

Everything in your life, at all times, is happening for you, not to you.

Hello Yogis!

Happy Week 2 of Downward Dog Back to School month!

This week we are looking, yet again at the alignment of the spine. Why you might ask?- Well because it's really hard to learn and when something is hard to learn we usually need more than one pass at it right?

Let that sink in for a moment...

If you think of a little person learning to walk- do they try once and run a marathon the next day? No they try almost all day every day for months to get just that one step. Then they continue to practice almost all day everyday for another year just to be able to work up to things like walking without falling and attempting stairs and the like. That type of learning makes sense to us usually. Aka a skill takes time to master. We get that. Well guess what- if one thing is everything- and it is- then the same applies to spiritual growth and evolution and finding a joy-filled life body and life. We have to practice to get better and we have to commit ourselves to the practice to thrive!

And so ON THE MAT this week (and next if you can believe it ;)) we are looking at how to find and maintain a neutral spine. This week specifically we are looking at the lumbar area again. We are finding a neutral lumbar curve and working on the length and strength needed to maintain it in an inverted relationship to gravity.

OFF THE MAT this week I ask you to ponder this: How many times have you come up against the same bad relationship, the same bill you can't pay, the same fight with yourself? Think that's an accident or the universe punishing you? Think again!! The universe is giving you fertile ground to practice how to NOT come from a place of fear and to actually finally learn that you are a being of light and of hope and of joy. This week perhaps when confronted with something that is causing you fear or anxiety- Don't push it away- welcome it- thank it for coming and ask what lesson it is here to teach you. How would your life be more full of joy if you were able to react to that thing from a place of love and rather than fear?

And maybe, at least once practice changing your reaction!

See how you feel! Journal about your experience.

I look forward to chatting about this and SOOOO much more on IG Live Tuesday and Thursday this week at 6pm

With Great Respect and Love,


Little side-note:: If the thing bringing you stress has anything to do with the state of our world- remember that we are a collective consciousness too and we are a part of ever expanding consciousnesses that start with who live in our home and grow to our entire universal collective consciousness- and so the questions grow to why is this happening for my family/town/city/state/country etc and how can I be a part of pointing us toward the growth that is needed to end this cycle and bring us into a state of radical love.


Ok, but what's the real issue...


Don't let it bring you down