A Moment of Grace
Weekly Thought Offering:
I would say, a little more loving yourself would always help
-Louise Hay
grace; noun: disposition to or an act or instance of
kindness, courtesy, or clemency, a temporary exemption : REPRIEVE
Weekly Journal Prompts:
An area in my life where...
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Weekly Mantra:
In this moment...
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Weekly Mantra:
In this moment...
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Hello Sadhakas!
Happy Sunday to you. I hope you are finding a moment of calm. I also hope you had a really fun Inner Teacher Date yesterday (or this week). What did you do? I myself have been having little holiday moments and those have been helping to keep me in the light. It is a scary and overwhelming time. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. But here is what I know- I know that you can not only do it, you can come out thriving on the other side of it. Please, please, please don't get stuck in the weight of it all. Don't let the mind stay in the moments of feeling like there is no way to get it all done/ keep it all together/ understand how it all works out. The truth is, at your source you are a spark of the divine. You are an endless well of whatever it is you feel that you are lacking in this moment. The key is to remember that. In yoga we talk about how the practice is not about evolving, not about becoming someone else. It is about involuting, about coming back to who you already are. You are not failing, you are not broken, you are not fear, you are not alone.
Those are all ego constructs designed to keep you unhappy.
So how do we get from here to there? From fear and crippling anxiety to peace and knowingness. By seeing peace and knowingness instead of fear and anxiety. One thought at a time. A therapist once said to someone I love "You are focusing so much on the crack in the vase you cannot see the vase or the beautiful flowers its holding".
So this week we see the vase, not the crack. You show up ON THE MAT back in the December Flow and you are nothing but proud of yourself for remembering more and more of it. You watch in awe as your amazing body finds it's way through it. You do not see any of your flaws, by choosing to not see ways you could be "better". You have the ability to see the "good". See how you ARE showing up on
your mat and doing great! - are you with me?
OFF THE MAT you give yourself and everyone you come into contact with a break. We are all wadding through traumas right now. We are all being ask to evolve to a higher spiritual plane. That for many of us is a really hard process. Only because we are still learning to see the lessons. Eventually, you see the lessons more quickly and much, much, much less pain (if any) comes with growth. We are all using a lot of our bandwidth just to exist and that doesn't leave a lot of bandwidth for showing our best side right now. So, go into every interaction with yourself and others with a little grace, a little forgiveness. Assume innocence for others (and yourself). Extend clemency when things aren't perfect or plans change. I don't know about you but a temporary exemption feels like just the ticket to get through this year.
See you ON THE MAT and on IG Live- let's talk more!
With great respect and love,