My Whole Life Practice

This Weeks Sadhana


April 2024

Pose: Utthita Parsvakonasana
Week: 2
Valve: lack of lift/sinking
Mental Focus: awaken and lift
Mental Focus: expand…again!
FLOW: Watch it all or skip ahead to The Flow
Chapter 1- Yogi Chat
Chapter 2- The Flow
Chapter 3- The Recap


Weekly Thought Offering:

Find thoughts that feel good, because it is inevitable that you are going to always be moving toward something. So why not be moving toward something that is pleasing? You can't cease to vibrate, and Law of Attraction will not stop responding to the vibration that you are offering. So, expansion is inevitable. You provide it, whether you know you do, or not. The only question is, what is the standard of joy that you are demanding for yourself?
- Esther Hicks

Weekly Journal Prompts:
An area of my life that feels like it is contracting (again) is….
If I am radically honest with myself my standard for joy in that area might be low because…
A higher standard for joy in that area would look like…
I can co-create that higher standard by…

Weekly Mantra:
Again and again and again- I choose joy
I choose expansion

Hello Sadhakas!
Ok my loves well here we are at the end of this 6 week journey with triangle pose. We have been on quiet a ride from an anatomy exploration place ON THE MAT and from and OFF THE MAT discussion place we have also covered a lot of ground. As I thought about this last week and as I watched you all in side angle last week- the thing I wanted to cover last- was in fact the thing I wanted to cover first- finding space, expanding.

Physically you have all found so much space in your triangle poses over the last month- it has been a joy to see. Last week when we added the “one more thing” and turned the shape into extended side angle- much of that space was lost (it was found immediately again after I mentioned it of course!). It got me thinking about the importance of holding onto boundaries even as we add that one more thing, or don’t. It got me thinking about how we see the same things come up in our lives over and over again and each time we have opportunity to expand- or not. To learn from it, to make a different choice - to grow! That is what all hardship and joy in this life is about- its about the opportunities for an expanded understanding of who we truly are. And in that expanded understanding there is ever more joy and peace. And who doesn’t want that?!

And so this week ON & OFF THE MAT we return to the concept of expansion- even as things get harder, even as we see the same things- yet again- we practice choosing to expand over surrendering into collapse.

I am excited to explore this with you all….again!

With great respect and love,
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Weekly Thought Offering & Weekly Mantra

Check your inbox on Sunday morning or login to the Weekly Thought Offering to access this week’s content.


Use the Weekly Journal Prompt

Jot down a line or two in your journal when you wake up in the morning or before / after you flow.

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